Random thoughts

art… is this site art?…

…or is this just randomness that makes no sense.

what’s the point of this site?
i asked that question in the beginning and i still don’t know.

maybe i’m writing this crap because I have nothing else to show.
no pictures, no videos, no music…. just some random stuff to keep me entertained.

Frank… what a stupid idea. it was fun joke for few days, then it got old.

now what?

Frank, can you help me?

– Stop whining and be a man.

be a man, how original.
that still doesn’t help.
should i give up on this site or what?

– Again, be a man.

what the hell does that mean?!

– A man does not ask what he should do, he does it.

is that a man, or is that an arrogant asshole who doesn’t care what others think?
i don’t want to be an arrogant asshole.

– Then don’t be. You can be who ever you want. Stop caring about what others think, you can’t please everyone, it’s impossible.

well, if i’m not an arrogant asshole, then who am i?

– Find out.


Another day, another post. What should it be this time?

I don’t feel like doing the weirdness at the moment. It’s fun and I consider it to be art. But it also feels good to just talk… like a normal person. Am I normal? No, not even close. But it’s fine, I’m accepting it… slowly. I always thought I was normal, or at least I really wanted to be normal.. so I would fit in. But time and time again, I have noticed that I’m not normal, I don’t fit in.

It’s weird, I really like those types… those who are different. The weirder the better. Normal is boring. So why do I wanna be normal so badly?

I guess it’s slowly changing… i’m accepting my weirdness.

What’s normal anyway?… we’re all weird… life is weird.